See our calendar below for upcoming events!
Roots Community Recurring Events
Laos Angeles Deuan SabaiDee (Lads)
Laos Angeles Deuan Sabaidee (or LADS) is our "monthly hello" - a chance for members to get to know each other and an opportunity to come together and discuss ways to strengthen the visibility of our community. Hosted and organized by Seraphina Lotkhamnga & Somlit Inthalangsy.
Missed the last LADS meeting? You can check our Recap Newsletter here!
Deuan Sabaidee is hosted the last Thursday of the month!

Laos Angeles Roots FIRST meeting about goals, inner group dialogue, Lao language lessons, holistic healing, and more! (April 2018)

Laos Angeles Roots second meeting with focus on Lao American Identity (May 2018)

Laos Angeles Roots second meeting with focus on Lao American Identity (May 2018)
Laos Angeles Roots third meeting with Chair of LANA, Jonathan Versant, as guest host talking about LANA’s goals and the goals of our community (June 2018)
Laos Angeles Roots third meeting with Chair of LANA, Jonathan Versant, as guest host talking about LANA’s goals and the goals of our community (June 2018)
Laos Angeles Roots third meeting with Chair of LANA, Jonathan Versant, as guest host talking about LANA’s goals and the goals of our community (June 2018)
Laos Angeles Roots fourth meeting with heavy discussion on Laos Angeles Now and Laos Angeles in the future. (July 2018)

Laos Angeles Roots fourth meeting with heavy discussion on Laos Angeles Now and Laos Angeles in the future. (July 2018)

Discussion was focused on encouraging others to encourage one another, talking about how the Secret War was not just a war, but also embedded in our DNA, and the emphasis on how showing up is important. Actions speak louder than words. (August 2018)

Discussion was focused on encouraging others to encourage one another, talking about how the Secret War was not just a war, but also embedded in our DNA, and the emphasis on how showing up is important. Actions speak louder than words. (August 2018)

Discussion about COMMUNITY + Technology w/ #LaosAngelesRoots Souphan Keodouangkham

Discussion about COMMUNITY + Technology w/ #LaosAngelesRoots Souphan Keodouangkham

Voting! October’s LADS meeting was all about voting, and getting out to vote. Using your voice that MATTERS, and voting in what you believe in. EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT!

Voting! October’s LADS meeting was all about voting, and getting out to vote. Using your voice that MATTERS, and voting in what you believe in. EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT!

Voting! October’s LADS meeting was all about voting, and getting out to vote. Using your voice that MATTERS, and voting in what you believe in. EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT!

The 1st LADS Meeting of 2019!

The 1st LADS meeting of 2019!

This month we discussed Black History Month and how different communities can uplift each other.

This month we discussed Black History Month and how different communities can uplift each other.

We were joined by CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment) Executive Director Michelle Sugihara to discuss influential AAPI Women in honor of Women’s History Month.

We were joined by CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment) Executive Director Michelle Sugihara to discuss influential AAPI Women in honor of Women’s History Month.
L to R: Somlit, Michelle, Seraphina, Kulap
We discuss how far we’ve come as a group and what’s next for us.
Self-care with Rita Phetmixay
Self-care with Rita Phetmixay + a floating Somlit
Discussing Southeast Asian representation in the media
Discussing Southeast Asian representation in the media

Sharing spooky ghost stories!

Sharing spooky ghost stories!

Discussing what’s ahead for the new year!

Discussing what’s ahead for the new year!

Learning about the upcoming 2020 Census
As we are hit with stay at home orders, we decided to move it Zoom!
With special guest Jenny Yang for our Influential AAP women theme
With special guest Donny Sirisavath for our Influential AAPI men theme
A good ol’ community check-in!

Thank you to Senator Tina Maharath of Ohio for chatting with us!

Our first ever public LADS! We loved seeing new faces!

Our annual Ghost Storytelling LADS!

Our final LADS of 2020 and we're sharing what we're grateful for!

Deaun Sabaidee 7/26/18 from Kulap Vilaysack on Vimeo.
Shot, edited and scored by Andrew David Vilaythong
Laos Angeles is currently doing Lao/Isaan food tour in L.A. Gin Dee is not only a chance for our community to eat delicious comfort meals together, but it will be a way for us to support and spread word about Lao/Isaan businesses in the area. Hosted and organized by Seraphina Lotkhamnga
Gin Dee is hosted every other month.
Laos Angeles Roots starts their Los Angeles Lao Food Tour with Kop Jai Lai in Mission Hills! (July 2018)
Laos Angeles Roots starts their Los Angeles Lao Food Tour with Kop Jai Lai in Mission Hills! (July 2018)
Laos Angeles Roots starts their Los Angeles Lao Food Tour with Kop Jai Lai in Mission Hills! (July 2018)
LGBTQ - Laos Angeles Roots
LGBTQ Laos Angeles is a space provided for Laotian LGBTQ members to feel comfortable and to be seen in the larger spectrum of what it means to be Lao/Laotian American. We hope to empower and uplift the community members, provide resources to the community at large, and to dialogue about issues that affect members.
We seek to advance the Laotian LGBTQ identity within the United States by promoting and amplifying the works of existing Laotian LGBTQ individuals. We hope to inspire younger LGBTQ Laotians to love themselves for who they are and to pursue whatever their hearts desire.
Hosted and organized by Jonathan Vorsane & TinTin Vongphrachanh
LGBTQ meetings are monthly.
Self care workshop - Laos Angeles Roots
Rita Phetmixay is passionate about spreading the wealth that is the importance of self-care. From a guided meditation to eating good food, the self-care workshop is the one to be at.
Hosted and organized by Rita Phetmixay.
Self care workshops are held quarterly.

Organized by Rita Phetmixay. Hosted by Sydney Viengluang. The first of the Laos Angeles Roots Self Care Workshop series. (June 2018)

Organized by Rita Phetmixay. Hosted by Sydney Viengluang. The first of the Laos Angeles Roots Self Care Workshop series. (June 2018)

Organized by Rita Phetmixay. Hosted by Vannaphone Meng Lothi. The second of the Laos Angeles Roots Self Care Workshop series. This time with Khao Piak! (Sept 2018)

Organized by Rita Phetmixay. Hosted by Vannaphone Meng Lothi. The second of the Laos Angeles Roots Self Care Workshop series. This time with Khao Piak! (Sept 2018)

Organized by Rita Phetmixay. Hosted by Vannaphone Meng Lothi. The second of the Laos Angeles Roots Self Care Workshop series. This time with Khao Piak! (Sept 2018)

Organized by Rita Phetmixay. Hosted by Vannaphone Meng Lothi. The second of the Laos Angeles Roots Self Care Workshop series. This time with Khao Piak! (Sept 2018)