#LaosAngelesRoots Sydney Vieungluang will be moderating the film panel at #LaoNow2018, do you have your tickets yet?
#LaosAngelesShine featuring Nitsa Kuangvanh
Brian Sounalath hosts an “Intro To Acting” Workshop for the Roots fam.
Motherland News…
The Tahoe Weekly: Showing Bloodroad for TAMBA
New York Times: Opinion: Asian-Americans Need More Movies, Even Mediocre Ones
New York Times: Beyond ‘Crazy Rich Asians’: Angie Wang wants to make a movie.
8.31.18 - 9.6.18
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) releases statement on SB 895.
Lao owned Sahtu Press’ Mommy Eats Fried Grasshoppers continues readings at bookstores joined by fellow Lao American BBoy Lancer!
Do you have your tickets to the Premiere National Event, Lao Now 2018, yet?
Wasau Daily Herald: Lee family's Wausau produce business born from gardening passion in Laos
#LaosAngelesShine featuring powerhouse: Ova Saopeng
Motherland News…
14 Powerful Portraits Showing the Diversity of Asian-American Feminism
Hollywood Reporter: ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Becomes Most Successful Rom-Com in 9 Years.
ET Online: 18 Rising Asian Americans Stars Expanding Representation in Hollywood (and Beyond)
Huffington Post: It’s A Cultural Moment For Asian Representation -- As Long As You’re Light Skinned
Hello Giggles: College Students Fake McDonald’s Ad for Asian Representation
8.24.18 - 8.30.18
SB 895 News:
Los Angeles Times: Bill to require K-12 study of Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Hmong Experiences Wins in OC.
Laos Angeles encourages everyone to write letters to our Senators about including Laos in the bill. (We missed the submission date, but will now create a plan to push for the inclusion of the history of Laos!)
Motherland News…
8.17.18 - 8.23.18
ATTENTION: Next LADS Meeting is coming up!!
For your viewing pleasure:
Lana Condor speaking on Asian American Representation
Motherland News…
#LaosAngelesRoots Saengthong Douangdara will be cooking at the OC Night Market this weekend!
Chef Seng (creator of the #LaoFoodMovement) wants you know know “Lao Food is Good Food”
8.10.18 - 8.16.18
For your viewing plesure:
Bboy Lancer of San Diego brings his poem “Me & Music” to life.
#LaosAngelesRoots celebrate Somlit’s birthday by Andrew David Vilaythong.
#LaosAngelesRoots celebrates the #GoldOpen of Crazy Rich Asians by Andrew David Vilaythong.
Motherland News…
VOA News: Survivors Recount Horror Of Collapse
Free Malaysia Today: Laos: Of breathtaking waterfalls, bears, and butterflies.
Time Magazine: How Crazy Rich Asians Is Going to Change Hollywood.
#LaosAngelesRoots heads to the premiere of Crazy Rich Asians with 45 members!
New York Times: For Some Viewers, Crazy Rich Asians is Not Asian Enough
CNN: Why Crazy Rich Asians Is the Right Movie for this Movement
Wat Idaho is hosting a Summer BBQ Potluck in Boise on August 18th!